Belfast North - Housing & Homelessness
Legislation to tackle the growing homelessness crisis is urgently needed
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Landlords should be taxed for empty properties
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Rent caps should be placed on properties
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Application administration fees should be abolished
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
There should be a Vacant Land Tax for those who own land but do nothing with it
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Houses of Multiple Occupancy should be more regulated
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Tenants should have greater rights to security of tenure in private rental housing & should be protected from no fault eviction
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Legislation should be put in place to prohibit the discriminatory practise of refusing tenancies to those in receipt of social security benefits
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
There should be a legislative cap on holiday homes in seaside towns
- Somewhat Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- The growth of the private rented sector is in direct correlation to the shortage of public housing and the economics of the housing 'market'. Public Housing, tenants rights and the restoration of the primacy of the NIHE should be an Assembly priority