Belfast West - Austerity

Every adult should receive Universal Basic Income
Universal Credit, PIP & Work Capability Assessment all need reformed
The Social Sector Size Criteria should be abolished
Austerity cuts in the community should be reversed in important sectors such as the arts, youth clubs and sports
Pay-to-use ATM machines should be scrapped
Supermarkets, restaurants, cafes and other businesses must donate unused food to food banks
  • We would support the UK Government rolling out a UBI.
  • Not everyone requires universal basic income. This sounds to similar to Chinese credit score where the population will rely on the government and you will own nothing and be happy. This cannot be allowed. Everyone should be financially supported and allowed to work themselves out of poverty .I am not aware of the details of the Social sector size criteria
  • UBI is not a proven solution to low pay or poverty and further research as to its benefits and implicatuions would be welcomed. If it proves effect I woud certainly support it. While donating unused food to food banks is kaubible it also risks en]mbedding the foodbank culture into our society
  • UBI- Open to the conversation and suggestions on pilots etc. but need more detail as some proponents of UBI schemes we would not be supportive of.
  • Where do I start with PIP, replacing DLA and anyone that was previously on that system indefinitely all removed and had to reapply to which many did not even received their high rate of DLA they were once receiving, Oh I have seen how PIP assessors work and the answers given compared to how they suggest you live, Keep an eye on my facebook in coming weeks where i have a rejection letter off of PIP.