Fiona Ferguson

PBP - Oldpark

Legislate for a binding Citizens Assembly mechanism for regional and local policymaking
  • Somewhat Disagree
There should be improvement of support services for refugees & migrants
  • Strongly Agree
Mandatory First Aid and Medical & Digital Literacy Training should be provided in education
  • Strongly Agree
Defibrillators should be compulsory in all public buildings including education & sports venues
  • Strongly Agree
There needs to be further regulation of Houses of Multiple Occupancy
  • Strongly Agree
Third party surveillance of homeless and emergency shelters should be mandated
  • Strongly Agree
There should be greater education in areas like LGBT rights, Mental Health, Money management and Sex Education.
  • Strongly Agree
There needs to be a greater awareness of neurodiverse conditions for both students & teaching staff
  • Strongly Agree
Education classes/resources should be held by local community centres/schools to offer support and networks for new parents and families (e.g parenting classes, homework support classes, play groups) and more funding made available for programmes like Sure Start
  • Strongly Agree
There should be mandatory divestment of public anchor institutions from the fossil fuel industry
  • Strongly Agree
The Rights of Nature should be protected via action taken from all levels of government
  • Strongly Agree
There should be a firewall between policymakers and mining / fossil fuel industries
  • Strongly Agree
Climate and Ecological emergency declarations should be inserted into mandates of public authorities (ie utility regulator)
  • Strongly Agree
Austerity cuts in the community should be reversed in important sectors such as the arts, youth clubs and sports
  • Strongly Agree
Councils should develop programmes for the regeneration of town centres
  • Strongly Agree
Councils should be given greater powers to take steps to pedestrianise streets in towns & cities
  • Strongly Agree
A Social Value Act for Northern Ireland should be developed to entrench community wealth building into regional and local government
  • Somewhat Agree
There should be an expansion of support services to help those who misuse drugs to quit
  • Strongly Agree
Government should seek to provide studio spaces in towns & cities for creatives to use, including incentivising building owners to offer empty properties as spaces if they are temporarily unused
  • Strongly Agree
Seabins should be installed at docks and marinas to protect marine life
  • Strongly Agree
Elected officials from all levels of government should endeavour to provide for people with disabilities & carers by delivering accessible environments & inclusive public spaces for all
  • Strongly Agree
The rights & powers of trade unions should be strengthened
  • Strongly Agree
There should be no paramilitary flags, symbolism or territory marking allowed in public spaces
  • Strongly Agree
There should be a defined & enforced Human Right to Housing
  • Strongly Agree
Tuition fees should be abolished
  • Strongly Agree
There needs to be compulsory, comprehensive and standardised relationships and sexuality education (RSE) in schools
  • Strongly Agree
All forms of conversion therapy must be banned
  • Strongly Agree
People should be able to self ID with the gender they identify with
  • Strongly Agree
Services should be commissioned by the Health Minister to allow for free, safe & legal abortions
  • Strongly Agree
Government, at all levels, should support the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement
  • Strongly Agree