Newry - Internationalism
As a society we should oppose unnecessary military involvement in local or foreign conflicts
- Strongly Agree
There should be no hard border in Ireland
- Strongly Agree
Government, at all levels, should support the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement
- Strongly Agree
As a society we should show solidarity with culturally distinct regions to have the democratic right to self-determination, for e.g. Catalonia, Palestine, Hong Kong, etc.
- Strongly Disagree
- Border Poll: The clamour for a border poll and the creation of a wave of manufactured urgency is unnecesary, divise and sectarian, with potentially dangerous consequences. In the absence of working-class unity there is a real risk and potential for sectarian violence in the lead up to and in the aftermath of a Border Poll – irrespective of the outcome. Self Determination: We are opposed to self-determnation soley on the basis of cultural/nationalist grounds. It is also misleading to equate the situations in Catalonia and Palestine. We would support the right of oppressed people to constitute itself in a state e.g., Palestine and Western Sahara, or otherwise freely determine the form of its association with an existing state.